Monday, November 16, 2009

Supper Club

Here is a little bit of our life! Every Tuesday night Jason, McKenzie, and I all have dinner with our nearest and dearest friends from YHC...Katie, Eric, Elizabeth, and Tiffany! So here is what has been going on. Eric announces at Supper Club (SC) that he is getting a new job. The downfall of this new job is that it is in South Dakota. Eric was a banker in town. He did hate his job! However, come to find out Eric was getting a new job but her wanted to see how many of us believed her was really moving to SD. So he eventually told all of us but Katie that he was not moving, only switching banks in town. Katie found out the truth and was still going to play along until Eric confessed it to her also! Katie randomly started getting all these cards in the mail. Each card had a picture of something in SD on it and one big word. Katie had to wait until she got all the cards before she could put it all together. So, at Eric's "final" Supper Club, Katie brought the cards and this cake below! "The New Mt. Rushmore" It was so funny! Oh, we do have a great time with each other on Tuesday nights! It is so hard to imagine that we have been friends since 2000! YHC really does create friendships for a lifetime! We love you guys!

Katie's random pieces of mail! Eric even
signed his name in him monogram because
Katie monogram's everything!!! Very creative Eric!

Here is the cake Katie brought! Publix, vanilla with
butter cream frosting! The very best!!! :)

1 comment:

Tank said...

Let's please do Supper Club while I am home! I want to see everyone!!